Exclusive: Parliament Meeting on NATO aggression
It was around 6:40 yesterday evening that I strolled past the main entrance to parliament with a comrade. On the other side of the main road we could make out the unmistakeable figure of Brian Shaw lying back in a deckchair, his hat covering his face. I don’t think anyone could begrudge him a nap after over 2000 days of non-stop protesting against the various globalist wars. We made our way over to St. Stephens entrance and after going through a metal detector and being searched we were inside parliament. We headed for committee room 15 on the first floor and as we entered the long corridor that led to the room, we were met by the image of the former British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli. He should be researched by those who are interested in what the Jews have to say about themselves (a quick search yielded this and this). I took a picture of the portrait (below) before being shouted at by a securit
y guard to put the camera away. What’s the point of allowing cameras into the building if they won’t let you use them? As we continued to walk down the corridor a small lift opened over to my left hand side and as I glanced over to see who was getting out I thought I recognised a familiar face. My friend nudged me and I realised that it was indeed Tony Benn. It seems that he had decided to make a surprise appearance in order to give his support. I would have approached him to give my congratulations to him for his demolition of John Bolton in last weeks ‘Question time’ and also to thank him for his unfaltering support of Serbia, but he was engaged in conversation with an acquaintance. It was almost exactly 8 years ago to the day that I last had the honour of seeing Tony Benn and listening to him speak. He was the only MP to speak at a demonstration I attended against the war in 1999. I remember news came through that an American bomber had been shot down during the rally and the crowd went berserk. Brings back memories!
The meeting got underway at around 7:10 after a minutes silence. The small committee room was more or less full. I recognised a few faces from the Serbian community, an elderly professor, and an even more elderly community leader. Unfortunately the Serbian youth was represented by only myself, the comrade I arrived with, and another who arrived late
r. It seems that the rest of our generation either have short memories, or are completely disinterested in anything but trying to fit into contemporary Western culture. I’d estimate around 90% of people were aged over 35, and around 60% over 50.
The meeting was chaired by the tall figure of Misha Gavrilovic whose command of English was excellent. He introduced the various speakers, minus Neil Clark who had not yet arrived. First to speak was Tony Benn. He began by making two points that I’d actually vehemently disagree with. The first was about how heroic Serbia was for declaring war against Hitler before Russia and America. It seems that these days moral judgements are made almost entirely on ones similarity or opposition to Hitler. Hitler had offered us neutrality which, in hindsight, would have been the best option. Declaring war on him on behalf of ‘allies’ unprepared and unable to back us up, being crushed within 6 weeks, losing millions of Serb lives, and being ruled by communists for 40 years hardly seems like an intelligent decision. The second point I’d disagree with is Benn’s point about Tito being an example to others and doing ‘interesting things’ with Yugoslavia. Now it is true that a major reason the West wanted to dismember Yugoslavia was due to its ‘closed’ socialist economy but I’d hardly regard Tito and his God-less, soulless state in a positive light. Anyway after these points Benn went on to talk about the illegality of the war that was waged, how the UN charter was in tatters, and how America was an empire in decline. But he rightly said that a wounded animal can be a very dangerous one!
Next up was Bob Wareing MP, a short, overweight, but jovial looking man, who unfortunately looks like a heart attack waiting to happen. He spoke of his experiences in Bosnia. He told a telling story about how he was taken to a mass grave of Serbs near Bosanski Brod and described the stench of death, and decapitated bodies. When he had tried to raise media attention, a Scottish newspaper had refused to cover the story on the basis that the mass grave contained Serbs, not Muslims or Croats, and would therefore only serve to ‘confuse’ people. Yes it appears that it didn’t fit in with the goodie-baddie agenda that the media was busy implementing. He then went on to talk about Kosovo where he made another point I’d oppose. He was talking about how the Albanians constitute a vast majority, and how many had come from Albania after WW2. He said that, being a socialist, he had absolutely no problem with open borders and population movement, but that Kosovo should still remain a sovereign part of Serbia! Talk about naivety! So we shouldn’t care about borders when it comes to immigration, but we should assert our nominal right to them when the minorities become majorities and want to break away!
After Bob, former MP Alice Mahon spoke. She told of her visit to Yugoslavia during the NATO bombing and reminded people that 80% of the targets that were hit by NATO bombs were civilian, including bridges, factories, oil refineries, power stations, water supplies, media installations, and even residential homes. It was nothing less than an attempt to demoralise the entire nation and to shut down any chances of a viable economy. This she said was a war crime, but added that she wasn’t holding her breath that there would be a trial since NATO had helped set up the Hague in the first place. Nothing more than a victor’s court. She also highlighted the destruction of hundreds of Serbian monasteries and churches as a war crime against a people’s culture and mentioned the numerous mosques that have been built since 1999, mainly with money from Saudi Arabia.
Neil Clark, made a late entrance somewhere in the middle of Alice’s speech and was introduced after she had finished. His was arguably the best contribution. He covered a lot of points and was able to be a bit more gung-ho (probably due to the fact that he wasn’t a politician), in his denouncement of ‘the Empire’ and even the ‘New World Order’. He made the valid point that Kosovo was not an isolated case, but was part of a continuum. The ongoing Western aggressions against Afghanistan, Iraq, and possibly Iran in the near future are all part of the Empires attempts to secure global hegemony. Anyone who refuses to appease the Empire gets taken apart mercilessly, whereas countries with more oppression than Yugoslavia ever had, such as Egypt, and Pakistan are allowed to do what they like since they tow the line, allow American bases, open up their economies and remain subservient. He described how Milosevic was the first ‘new Hitler’, then came others such as Saddam, and now Ahmadinejad. I fully agree with him about the futility of the illogical rationale behind supporting say the aggression against Serbia, but not the one against Iraq, or vice versa. You either oppose the Empire or you don’t. You can’t accept they have malevolent intentions one minute, and then pretend that they have benevolent intentions the next. Also mentioned by Neil was the way in which the Serb economy has been carved up amongst the victors. The once 80% state-owned economy has been opened up to foreign multi-nationals. He scathingly attacked the Western brand of ‘democracy’ which labels everything that approves of the empire as ‘democratic’, and ‘moderate’ and pointed out that the Serb Radical Party had won the last two elections but were considered unsuitable ‘partners’ for the West since they opposed the EU etc etc.
The last speaker was an MP who I was unfamiliar with, but who had been on the Foreign Affairs Committee for Kosovo . He spoke only shortly, mainly to say how bad the current situation was, and to warn that the breakaway of Vojvodina (the northern most Serb province) would be on the cards in the future. He was apparently instrumental in coaxing the Foreign Affairs Committee into admitting that the NATO action was illegal. They nonetheless claimed it was not immoral. So they were morally justified in committing a criminal act! As Gavrilovic pointed out that’s the argument of terrorists everywhere! I’ll remember that if I ever need to act outside the law to fight against the tyranny of the Empire!
The meeting was concluded after a few statements/questions from the floor. A couple of elderly Serb women rightly complained about the biased media in Serbia which constantly bangs on about the EU and about the indoctrinated youth which aspires only to copy the West and attain its living standards.
All in all it was interesting experience and I learnt some facts I can use in the future. What I found telling though, was that all these speakers railed against the economic, political and military crimes of the West. All these crimes stand and I fully endorse their view in this regard. But what they totally ignored was that the same powers are attacking and dismantling faith and promoting secularism. They are dismantling national identity and promoting multi-culturalism. And though it obviously wasn’t the topic for discussion, I doubt any of them would have questioned the motives or actions of the Empire in this regard. This seems analogous to the fanciful notion that Neil Clark attacked regarding military action: They believe that the N.W.O. has positive intentions in some respects, but not in others. The products of the liberal and God-less cultural revolution that the West is exporting are arguably the biggest and most dangerous assault a people can face. Serbia lost around 3000 people during the physical war over Kosovo, but we are losing hundreds of thousands of souls to the contemporary ‘Western’ culture which means spiritual and national death. As Patrick Buchanan says in ‘Death of the West’, there are four clear and present dangers: The first is a dying population. Second is mass immigration of peoples of different colors, creeds, and cultures. Third is the rise to dominance of a culture deeply hostile to tradition and morality. The fourth is the break up of nations and the defection of ruling elites to a world government whose rise entails the end of nations. You can’t just attack the fourth one but accept the other three as natural occurrences. I doubt any of the speakers would have been inclined to attack mass immigration, secularism, abortions, gay rights etc, yet they are all the product of the globalist agenda they denounce.
Technorati tags;
serbia london parliament yugoslavia nato bombing kla kosovo meeting tony benn gavrilovic neil clark alice mahon bob wareing
The meeting got underway at around 7:10 after a minutes silence. The small committee room was more or less full. I recognised a few faces from the Serbian community, an elderly professor, and an even more elderly community leader. Unfortunately the Serbian youth was represented by only myself, the comrade I arrived with, and another who arrived late
The meeting was chaired by the tall figure of Misha Gavrilovic whose command of English was excellent. He introduced the various speakers, minus Neil Clark who had not yet arrived. First to speak was Tony Benn. He began by making two points that I’d actually vehemently disagree with. The first was about how heroic Serbia was for declaring war against Hitler before Russia and America. It seems that these days moral judgements are made almost entirely on ones similarity or opposition to Hitler. Hitler had offered us neutrality which, in hindsight, would have been the best option. Declaring war on him on behalf of ‘allies’ unprepared and unable to back us up, being crushed within 6 weeks, losing millions of Serb lives, and being ruled by communists for 40 years hardly seems like an intelligent decision. The second point I’d disagree with is Benn’s point about Tito being an example to others and doing ‘interesting things’ with Yugoslavia. Now it is true that a major reason the West wanted to dismember Yugoslavia was due to its ‘closed’ socialist economy but I’d hardly regard Tito and his God-less, soulless state in a positive light. Anyway after these points Benn went on to talk about the illegality of the war that was waged, how the UN charter was in tatters, and how America was an empire in decline. But he rightly said that a wounded animal can be a very dangerous one!
Next up was Bob Wareing MP, a short, overweight, but jovial looking man, who unfortunately looks like a heart attack waiting to happen. He spoke of his experiences in Bosnia. He told a telling story about how he was taken to a mass grave of Serbs near Bosanski Brod and described the stench of death, and decapitated bodies. When he had tried to raise media attention, a Scottish newspaper had refused to cover the story on the basis that the mass grave contained Serbs, not Muslims or Croats, and would therefore only serve to ‘confuse’ people. Yes it appears that it didn’t fit in with the goodie-baddie agenda that the media was busy implementing. He then went on to talk about Kosovo where he made another point I’d oppose. He was talking about how the Albanians constitute a vast majority, and how many had come from Albania after WW2. He said that, being a socialist, he had absolutely no problem with open borders and population movement, but that Kosovo should still remain a sovereign part of Serbia! Talk about naivety! So we shouldn’t care about borders when it comes to immigration, but we should assert our nominal right to them when the minorities become majorities and want to break away!
After Bob, former MP Alice Mahon spoke. She told of her visit to Yugoslavia during the NATO bombing and reminded people that 80% of the targets that were hit by NATO bombs were civilian, including bridges, factories, oil refineries, power stations, water supplies, media installations, and even residential homes. It was nothing less than an attempt to demoralise the entire nation and to shut down any chances of a viable economy. This she said was a war crime, but added that she wasn’t holding her breath that there would be a trial since NATO had helped set up the Hague in the first place. Nothing more than a victor’s court. She also highlighted the destruction of hundreds of Serbian monasteries and churches as a war crime against a people’s culture and mentioned the numerous mosques that have been built since 1999, mainly with money from Saudi Arabia.
Neil Clark, made a late entrance somewhere in the middle of Alice’s speech and was introduced after she had finished. His was arguably the best contribution. He covered a lot of points and was able to be a bit more gung-ho (probably due to the fact that he wasn’t a politician), in his denouncement of ‘the Empire’ and even the ‘New World Order’. He made the valid point that Kosovo was not an isolated case, but was part of a continuum. The ongoing Western aggressions against Afghanistan, Iraq, and possibly Iran in the near future are all part of the Empires attempts to secure global hegemony. Anyone who refuses to appease the Empire gets taken apart mercilessly, whereas countries with more oppression than Yugoslavia ever had, such as Egypt, and Pakistan are allowed to do what they like since they tow the line, allow American bases, open up their economies and remain subservient. He described how Milosevic was the first ‘new Hitler’, then came others such as Saddam, and now Ahmadinejad. I fully agree with him about the futility of the illogical rationale behind supporting say the aggression against Serbia, but not the one against Iraq, or vice versa. You either oppose the Empire or you don’t. You can’t accept they have malevolent intentions one minute, and then pretend that they have benevolent intentions the next. Also mentioned by Neil was the way in which the Serb economy has been carved up amongst the victors. The once 80% state-owned economy has been opened up to foreign multi-nationals. He scathingly attacked the Western brand of ‘democracy’ which labels everything that approves of the empire as ‘democratic’, and ‘moderate’ and pointed out that the Serb Radical Party had won the last two elections but were considered unsuitable ‘partners’ for the West since they opposed the EU etc etc.
The last speaker was an MP who I was unfamiliar with, but who had been on the Foreign Affairs Committee for Kosovo . He spoke only shortly, mainly to say how bad the current situation was, and to warn that the breakaway of Vojvodina (the northern most Serb province) would be on the cards in the future. He was apparently instrumental in coaxing the Foreign Affairs Committee into admitting that the NATO action was illegal. They nonetheless claimed it was not immoral. So they were morally justified in committing a criminal act! As Gavrilovic pointed out that’s the argument of terrorists everywhere! I’ll remember that if I ever need to act outside the law to fight against the tyranny of the Empire!
The meeting was concluded after a few statements/questions from the floor. A couple of elderly Serb women rightly complained about the biased media in Serbia which constantly bangs on about the EU and about the indoctrinated youth which aspires only to copy the West and attain its living standards.
All in all it was interesting experience and I learnt some facts I can use in the future. What I found telling though, was that all these speakers railed against the economic, political and military crimes of the West. All these crimes stand and I fully endorse their view in this regard. But what they totally ignored was that the same powers are attacking and dismantling faith and promoting secularism. They are dismantling national identity and promoting multi-culturalism. And though it obviously wasn’t the topic for discussion, I doubt any of them would have questioned the motives or actions of the Empire in this regard. This seems analogous to the fanciful notion that Neil Clark attacked regarding military action: They believe that the N.W.O. has positive intentions in some respects, but not in others. The products of the liberal and God-less cultural revolution that the West is exporting are arguably the biggest and most dangerous assault a people can face. Serbia lost around 3000 people during the physical war over Kosovo, but we are losing hundreds of thousands of souls to the contemporary ‘Western’ culture which means spiritual and national death. As Patrick Buchanan says in ‘Death of the West’, there are four clear and present dangers: The first is a dying population. Second is mass immigration of peoples of different colors, creeds, and cultures. Third is the rise to dominance of a culture deeply hostile to tradition and morality. The fourth is the break up of nations and the defection of ruling elites to a world government whose rise entails the end of nations. You can’t just attack the fourth one but accept the other three as natural occurrences. I doubt any of the speakers would have been inclined to attack mass immigration, secularism, abortions, gay rights etc, yet they are all the product of the globalist agenda they denounce.
Technorati tags;
serbia london parliament yugoslavia nato bombing kla kosovo meeting tony benn gavrilovic neil clark alice mahon bob wareing
That was a very interesting post.
One thing that jumped out at me was;
the Serb Radical Party had won the last two elections but were considered unsuitable ‘partners’ for the West since they opposed the EU etc etc.
So my question is this. What did the west do? I wasn't political at all back then. How did we square the fact of imposing a democracy by removing the democratically elected government and replacing them with - well, who?
And this is where my abject naivety on this comes out, but i wont try to hide it as we are all naive about so much - was milosovitc elected, or a general or what? i think i remember him being called general milosovitc.
I just typed in his name in google and came up with this BBC article
and this website;
Are both of those opposite extremes?
So my question is this. What did the west do? I wasn't political at all back then. How did we square the fact of imposing a democracy by removing the democratically elected government and replacing them with - well, who?
The 2 elections that the Serb Radical Party won came after the Western coup that removed Milosevic. The Western backed 'democratic' parties simply formed a coalition of losers so that they could form a government and keep out the Radical party. The West did their bit by heavily funding their 'democratic' puppets, media outlets that favoured them, and by reminding Serbs virtually every single day that these were the only parties who were capable of getting Serbia into the EU promised land.
was milosovitc elected, or a general or what? i think i remember him being called general milosovitc.
No Milosevic wasn't a general, he was simply the president. His party was the Socialist Party of Serbia, and he was initially elected in the 1990's. After his initial election, who knows whether he had the subsequent ones rigged, I certainly don't. But what I do know is that he was unfairly demonised on many counts which I know to be false, so I'm not going to blindly accept what our enemies say about him.
Of the 2 sites you found the Milosevic one is a lot more authoratitive and useful. The BBC article is complete nonsense that can be picked apart quite easily. That it is pure propaganda is evident from the opening sentance regarding Milosevic's famous Kosovo speech. The implication that the speech was the launching pad for war can easily be dismantled by reading the full text, which is widely available. It also blames the Bosnian war on him, even though the International Criminal Court declared Serbia innocent of instigating war in Bosnia. I could go on but I think you get the picture. The reason why I say the Milosevic site is more authoratitive is simply because it contains a lot of the material that was used in his defence at the Hague tribunal, and is therefore easily verifiable and stood the test of even a biased courtroom.
Oh i just realised; I had read your comment and appreciated the informative answers, i just forgot to say so!
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